Entrepreneurship is lonely, right?
The fear of failure is an obstacle, but if you’ve been in business any amount of time, you know that isolation is the true dream killer.
You need others to talk to in those moments when you’re not sure how to think about what’s next. For the times where you’re doing something new and those around you just "don’t get it.”
For when you feel like you’re not enough.

Support, confidence, and no-nonsense perspective.
Click Club delivers all this and more.

How? Each month we digest a book that will help you as an entrepreneur and founder. Together. Through an intentional roadmap so that it all clicks.
These books will help you make sense of what seems unknowable, but more importantly, you’ll connect with women who leave you feeling understood, valued, and challenged (in the good way).
Click Club is part business advice and part networking, with well-placed dashes of personal development — it's going to save you a LOT of time.
About The Books
We're going to talk about books that aren't typically included on top ten lists for business - and that's by design. Click Club books create meaning from our lived experiences as women. They’re brilliant words that spark aha moments and provide insight into our greatest challenges, fears, and triumphs. They offer wisdom from successful individual businesswomen, and share how we can create intentional communities of fierce entrepreneurs around us.
12 months. 12 books. The insights and connection you need.

A Note From Dr. Ali Hill
Business Leader + Sociologist + Emotional Intelligence Evangelist + Mom + Book Nerd
I help women learn to walk through the world like executives, and to get what they need without apologizing or asking for approval. I support their building leadership habits that incorporate the head, heart, and gut, as effective leadership is an emotional experience.
And I absolutely love to read. My favorite part is when what I’m reading sparks a new thought, or helps me make sense of something that until that very moment seemed unknowable.
Have you ever had that experience? That feeling of inspiration and excitement when things just *click*?
Yet, as entrepreneurs and women, we’re super busy. Especially because we’re doing much of the work on our own. Who has time to read an entire book, right? And where to start? Which books are even the most important to read?
I’ve always loved to share books and insights, so I’ve created Click Club to do just that, while bringing together communities of fabulous women. Activating my expertise as a business owner, executive advisor, and educator, I’ll glean the most critical pieces of these amazing books and share them with you. You’ll have everything you need to take action and nothing that makes your eyes glaze over or mind wander.
Welcome to Click Club! I cannot wait to connect with you.
Questions? Helping you find the answers you need is what this is all about.
Two Ways to Join Click Club!
$100/month or (save $200) $1,000/year

Monthly 1-Hour Meeting
Prior to the meeting, you receive a written executive summary and a video with Dr. Ali's analysis of the book, through the lens of women in entrepreneurship. The meeting itself is a facilitated discussion, during which Dr. Ali advises members. It is recorded and then shared with participants.

Connection & Community
One week before the meeting, the private chat forum will open for conversation about that month’s book. The chat will stay open to continue discussing the book after that. You will be a member of a group of women who have chosen to prioritize learning together. Share your fears, concerns, and ideas with women who understand you.

Ideas You Can Immediately Use
Our sessions and the private group forum will focus on actions you can take with confidence, right now. You’ll never waste your time reading books that don’t support you OR feel guilty about not having time to read. You'll have what you need to thrive - as a woman and entrepreneur.